How Much Does A $500,000 Life Insurance Policy Cost?

A $500,000 life insurance policy may seem significant, but many people need that much coverage to support their family’s needs.

Many people seeking a $500,000 life insurance policy need coverage to protect their income or cover an outstanding mortgage balance.

We hope to provide you with educational information to help you determine if a $500,000 life insurance policy is the best fit for your family.

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500,000 Life Insurance PolicyDo I Need A $500,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is a financial safeguard for your family, particularly your spouse and children, should you pass away unexpectedly.

The primary purpose of securing a $500,000 life insurance policy often revolves around income replacement.

This concept entails purchasing a policy with a death benefit substantial enough to replicate the income you would have provided had you remained alive, ensuring your loved ones maintain their standard of living in your absence.

Is 500k enough life insurance coverage for your family?

Insurance professionals often suggest securing life insurance that is 7 to 10 times your yearly income. 

Surprisingly, according to a Life Insurance Gap survey by New York Life, many families feel they should be covered for even more than the “rule of thumb” amount.

When tallying all existing debts, regular household expenses, and future financial needs, it may become apparent that a $500,000 life insurance policy is necessary to protect your family.

0,000 Life Insurance Policy

Typical family case study:

$100,000 Income/ Non-working spouse/ Children/ Mortgage

So, how much life insurance does this family need?

  1. Your first calculation should be based on the death benefit required to generate enough income to provide for their surviving spouse and children.
  2. Then, determine the additional amount needed to repay any outstanding mortgage balance.

They must buy a policy with a death benefit to replace their income and pay off the mortgage balance.

A $500,000 term life policy covers both needs:

  • $100,000 Income (x 3 years) =  $300,000 Life Insurance
  • $200,000 Mortgage Balance =  $200,000 Mortgage Life Insurance
  • $500,000 Total Life Insurance Required

Buyer Tip:

At younger ages, most people are pleasantly surprised by the slight difference in premiums between a $250,000 life insurance policy and a $500,000 term life insurance policy.

500,000 Life Insurance Policy$500,000 Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance stands out as a top pick for individuals seeking substantial coverage at an affordable rate.

A $500,000 term insurance policy has fixed premiums for durations ranging from 10 to 40 years, allowing you to tailor coverage according to your evolving needs.

By aligning the term length of your policy with your specific requirements, you can ensure that your family is shielded from financial difficulties in the event of an unexpected demise.

Our breakdown of term life insurance across various ages highlights how its relevance adapts as one progresses through different stages of life.

A 500k term life insurance policy is necessary for young adults stepping into family responsibilities or at the peak of their careers.

A good choice would be either a 20 or 30-year term when dependents are young or financial obligations are at their highest.

As people grow older and their financial liabilities decrease, the necessity for extensive coverage lessens while premiums escalate accordingly.

 A 10-year or 15-year policy fits perfectly for couples in their fifties who wish to protect their income until retirement or pay off a mortgage balance.

When mortgages dwindle and savings mount, achieving self-insurance by your policy’s conclusion becomes increasingly realistic.

For seniors, term life insurance is best suited for short-term financial responsibilities rather than as a means to leave a legacy for their children.

Below, you’ll find the cost of $500k term life insurance for both 10 and 20 years.

$500,000 Term Life Insurance Rates

10 Year 
Age 45$23
Age 50$37
Age 55$62
Age 60$102
Age 65$180
Age 70$295
20 Year 
Age 45$46
Age 50$70
Age 55$115
Age 60$197
Age 65$372
Age 70$676

* 500k monthly term life insurance rates, non-smoking males

Permanent Life Insurance

If you require a $500,000 policy that lasts for your entire lifetime, opting for universal or whole life insurance is significantly more advantageous than term life. 

Universal life insurance offers guaranteed premiums, death benefits, and a cash value that grows tax-deferred but varies over time. 

Universal life insurance can be tailored for competitive pricing without cash accumulation or designed to build cash value.

Guaranteed universal life is recommended for cost-conscious buyers prioritizing lifetime coverage over a cash value savings component.

Whereas indexed universal life offers a unique savings opportunity by allowing policyholders to allocate their cash value towards equity index accounts such as the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and NASDAQ.

Whole life insurance ensures permanent coverage, featuring lifetime guarantees on premiums, cash value, death benefits, and the possibility of earning dividends.

Should you buy a $500,000 whole-life policy, or is universal life better?

Because of its guaranteed cash values and dividends, a $500,00 whole life insurance policy will often cost significantly more than universal life.

However, as the White Coat Investor highlights, whole life insurance can benefit conservative buyers seeking secure cash growth and permanent coverage. 

Conversely, universal life insurance is often favored by those who have already accumulated savings and seek permanent protection without breaking the bank.

Choosing universal or whole life insurance can be a strategic way to transfer wealth to your heirs tax-free, regardless of your chosen plan. 

Universal and whole-life policies provide great tax-free returns for individuals with average lifespans. However, their investment worth may decrease for those living significantly longer than the average lifespan.

500,000 Life Insurance Policy Cost$500,000 Life Insurance Policy Cost

If you are curious about the cost of a $500,000 life insurance policy, look no further!

Affordable Life USA simplifies the process, making finding top-notch life insurance companies offering competitive rates easy.

You can compare low-cost life insurance plans from various providers in just a few minutes without making countless phone calls to different agents. 

With us, finding affordable life insurance that suits your family’s needs has never been simpler or more efficient.

Remember, the amount of life insurance you buy will come down to your family’s needs and budget.

If your requirements are less extensive, a $250,000 policy might suffice. Start exploring today and ensure your loved ones have the financial security they deserve!

0,000 Life Insurance Policy Buying a $500,000 Life Insurance Policy

Are you looking to secure a $500,000 term life insurance policy without breaking the bank? You’re in the right place! 

Our agents specialize in streamlining the approval process, ensuring you get the best coverage with minimal fuss. To kick things off, we’ll need to know:

  • The total amount of new insurance coverage required.
  • Whether a term or permanent life insurance policy better suits your needs.
  • An overview of your medical history,
With these pertinent details available, we will find the best life insurance policy based on your needs, health status, and policy specifics. 
Initiating the application process involves a phone interview or a medical examination by insurance companies to collect data on your medical history.

$500k Life Insurance No Medical Exam 

Numerous studies have shown that eliminating the need for a medical exam can significantly boost the likelihood of individuals purchasing insurance coverage.

Nearly 66% of those interested in buying no-exam life insurance are drawn to the speed and ease that it offers, according to this LIMRA study.

Several insurers have responded by offering coverage without requiring an examination. Instead, you must undergo a brief phone interview where you will answer some health-related questions. 

Do you like getting $500,000 of life insurance with no exam required?

No problem! We can help you acquire a policy from a few great companies, such as Pacific Life, Banner Life, and Lincoln Financial.

Banner Life caps its no-medical-exam life insurance to those under 50 seeking coverage up to $500,000 death benefit. 

On the other hand, companies like Pacific Life and Lincoln Financial offer one million dollars in life insurance without an exam if you need higher coverage. 

What’s more impressive is that these high-coverage policies come at rates comparable to their fully underwritten counterparts.

This is notable because most insurers providing no-exam options limit their offerings to $250,000 and often charge higher premiums for convenience.

 $500,000 Life Insurance with an Exam

Undergoing a brief medical examination can help you secure the most cost-effective rates for a $500,000 life insurance policy.

Medically underwritten policies often provide the lowest premiums because they offer insurance companies a detailed assessment of your health.

By completing an insurance exam, we can showcase your health status to multiple insurers, ensuring you get the best possible rate.

Additionally, insurers typically don’t provide $500,000 of life insurance to seniors over 60 without a medical exam. 

This 30-minute assessment is crucial, especially for those in good health or older adults seeking broader insurance options.

500,000 Life Insurance Policy CostBest Life Insurance Companies

Since many companies sell life insurance, it isn’t easy to know which carriers can offer you a low-cost $500,000 life insurance policy.

Affordable Life USA is a nationally licensed agency that monitors a network of many of America’s top life insurance companies.

Here is a list of our companies that offer the highest ratings from the Better Business Bureau, AM Best, and J.D. Power. 

AM Best
JD Power
AXA EquitableA+A+752
Banner LifeA+A+N/A
Guardian LifeA+A++760
John HancockA+A+739
Lincoln FinancialA+A+744
Mass MutualA+A++780
Mutual of OmahaA+A+766
Pacific LifeA+A+N/A
Principal FinancialA+A+774

0,000 dollar life insurance

What’s the cost of a $500,000 life insurance policy?

We have got you covered! 

We realize that comparing life insurance prices and choosing the ideal policy can often be time-consuming. 

Affordable Life USA makes shopping for life insurance a breeze!

We would be happy to assist you in obtaining term and permanent life insurance quotes with our life insurance premium calculator.

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  • Press Get Quote  

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