Permanent Life Insurance

You may have heard of the “Infinite Banking Concept” but are unsure what it is or how it works.The infinite banking strategy utilizes cash value life insurance as a component of a diversified investment portfolio. Because cash value life insurance is a liquid asset, it offers a convenient way to fund major expenses that can come [...]

New hybrid long-term care insurance policies offer more flexibility by combining long-term care insurance with universal or whole life insurance.Most insurance consumers typically look at life insurance coverage separately from stand-alone long-term care insurance. The most significant risk of buying an individual long-term care policy is that you will never up in a nursing home or [...]

Are you considering a universal life insurance policy? But, you have been hesitant because you are concerned about the high cost of universal life coverage.Most people automatically associate all permanent coverage with much higher costing premiums because of the savings element.However, today’s universal life policies offer both affordable premiums and death benefits for life.Do you [...]

Did you purchase a flexible premium adjustable life insurance policy back in the 1980s or early 1990s? You may have received a letter from your insurer claiming that your adjustable life insurance policy is not performing as originally illustrated.Policyholders getting these notices are usually required to contribute additional premiums to prevent their current adjustable life [...]

Is cash value life insurance better, or should you opt for term life coverage?  With so many options available for life insurance policies, it can be challenging to decide which policy is suitable for your needs and budget. Do you want a fixed or variable rate? And then insurers throw in terms like “cash value,” which [...]

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