Life Insurance with High Blood Pressure

It is a startling fact that almost 150 million adults in the United States live with either hypertension or pre-hypertension.

So, if you are hypertensive and are currently looking into purchasing life insurance, you are certainly not alone.

Our goal is to provide helpful tips to assist hypertensive applicants in securing coverage at the most affordable rates.


high blood pressure and life insuranceWhat Is Considered High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is also commonly known as hypertension. The condition itself often has no symptoms, and many people do not realize they have hypertension.

Hypertension can damage the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and even other parts of your body. Blood pressure is measured with both systolic and diastolic pressures.

  • Systolic (top number) refers to blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood.
  • Diastolic (bottom number) refers to blood pressure when the heart rests between beats.

Most people realize that a good blood pressure reading is 120/80. If you are curious, you can also look at the Mayo Clinic’s blood pressure chart.

Life Insurance Blood Pressure Chart

Top (systolic)Bottom (diastolic)Category
Below 120and Below 80Normal
Between 120-139or Between 80-89Prehypertension
Between 140-159or Between 90-99Stage 1 hypertension
160 or higheror 100 or higherStage 2 hypertension

Buying Life Insurance with Hypertension

Buying Life Insurance with Hypertension

Let me start by saying something that might surprise you: having high blood pressure doesn’t mean you’ll pay a fortune for life insurance.

We have helped hundreds of clients with hypertension secure excellent rates, and I can tell you firsthand that it’s possible, assuming it is well-controlled with medications.

When looking into life insurance, the risk classification the insurance company gives you is the key to finding the least expensive rates.

Getting the Best Possible Rates

The secret to securing affordable life insurance is understanding how insurance companies classify risk.

Here’s a breakdown of the common classifications: preferred plus (the best rates), preferred, select, and standard.

Many agents may not inform you that several insurance carriers will offer their best rates (Preferred Plus) even if you are on blood pressure medication.

Unfortunately, some companies may unfairly downgrade you to the preferred class solely because you are taking medication, but we know which ones will not do this.

To qualify for the best classification, you need to be in excellent overall health, which means you should not be a smoker, maintain a healthy weight, and have a good family history.

Affordable Life USA will always shop for a company that allows “treated hypertension” at the cheaper preferred plus category. 

Buying Tip:

Follow these tips to improve your chances of meeting the blood pressure requirements when applying for coverage.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink extra water for a few days before the exam.
  • Fasting: Avoid food and drinks (other than water) for 12 hours before the exam.
  • Limit Stimulants: Refrain from alcohol, coffee, and smoking before the test.
  • Choose the Right Time: Schedule your exam for the morning when you feel calm.
  • Do a Test Run: Take a few readings at home to gauge if your blood pressure meets insurance standards.

What If Your Initial Rates Come Back High?

Don’t worry; If your initial readings do not fully meet your expectations, please consider the following options:

  • Accept the policy and start coverage
  • Let us shop around with other carriers
  • Work on lowering your numbers and try again later

We’ve seen countless clients successfully lower their blood pressure through medication, diet changes, and weight management. The best part? When your numbers improve, we can often lower your rates, too.

Our overweight life insurance clients face a similar solvable challenge when buying a policy. Heavier people can save money by losing weight to fit the insurance company guidelines.

These price-saving factors are within your control and take a bit of willpower to execute!  

  Buying LIFE INSURANCE with no exam

Good news for those who want to skip the medical exam! Several top-rated insurance carriers offer substantial coverage with just a simple telephone interview.

For example, highly rated companies like Lincoln National and Pacific Life provide up to $1,000,000 in coverage for treated hypertension without doing an exam.

Another great company for people with high blood pressure is Banner Life, which offers up to a $500,000 death benefit without having to do a physical.

Buying Tip:

If you find yourself too busy or hesitant about needles when it comes to obtaining life insurance, we have a solution for you.

We’re here to help by connecting you with leading no-exam life insurance companies that provide excellent rates. Secure your peace of mind without the hassle!

 These providers deliver preferred plus-term rates for treated hypertension at the exact cost as fully underwritten policies, provided you meet the health qualifications.

Purchasing Life insurance, taking an exam

When should you undergo a medical exam when applying for life insurance if you have high blood pressure? 

Many people with high blood pressure should consider taking the exam, as it can provide them with more options.

Numerous insurance companies offer lower premiums, such as the preferred plus rate class, exclusively to applicants who are willing to complete a medical exam.

Many carriers do not allow their best smoker’s life insurance rates unless you do a brief exam.

Plus, if you require a policy above the million-dollar threshold, you may be out of luck without doing an exam.

So, if you need life insurance and want more options or if you have a medical condition, we always suggest following our step-by-step program.

life insurance with hypertension

Here is how the insurance exam process works:

  • First, your medical history is evaluated to determine which company may be best suited for your hypertensive condition.
  • Then, we start the application process by having you complete a blood pressure test, urine and blood sample, and height and weight measurement.
  • Then, we order a medical summary from your regular doctor.
  • Finally, your medical profile is presented to multiple life insurance companies to determine which offers the best rates.

This thorough approach typically saves our clients 25% or more on their premiums.

Instead of automatically placing you in a higher rate category, we ensure insurance companies see how well you manage your blood pressure and follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Remember, you’re not just a blood pressure number to us. You’re taking responsibility for your health and your family’s future. 

Case Study

Here is a practical example illustrating the difference in price between two companies.

Edward applies for a $500,000, 2o year term life insurance with high blood pressure when he is 62 years old.

 Company ACompany B
Rate ClassPreferred PlusPreferred

Company A allows medication for high blood pressure and issues Ed a policy with preferred plus rates, while company B only permits a preferred rating.

Fantastic! That is close to $500 in savings per year for an elated Eddie with nearly $10,000 in savings over a 20-year time frame.

high blood pressure life insuranceWorking with an Independent Agent

The most effective way to secure the best insurance offer is to work with an independent agent.

As an independent broker, we take the hassle out of shopping for the lowest premiums based on your medical history.

Affordable Life USA offers very competitive term and universal life insurance coverage rates. 

  • Term Life Insurance: Term life offers guaranteed death benefits and level premiums for between 10 and 40 years.
  • Universal Life Insurance: This form of permanent life insurance guarantees premium and death benefits for your entire lifetime.

Some highly rated carriers include AIG, Banner Life, Lincoln Financial, Transamerica, Pacific Life, and Protective Life.  

It’s worth noting that these companies have excellent overall ratings from AM Best Insurance Ratings.

Best Insurance companies for  Hypertension

CompanyAM Best Rating
American GeneralA
Banner LifeA+
Lincoln Financial A+
Pacific LifeA+
Protective LifeA+

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