Survivorship Life Policy Quotes

Survivorship Life Insurance 

Affordable Life USA has provided affordable survivorship life insurance policies to clients throughout the United States for over thirty years. 

Survivorship or second-to-die life insurance covers married couples under a single policy and only pays the death benefit after both have passed away. 

These policies are frequently utilized to transfer wealth to children without taxation or mitigate federal estate taxes arising after spouses pass away.

Couples often create an irrevocable life insurance trust to be the owner and beneficiary of the policy, so the death benefits will not be included in their taxable estate.

Take the first step by partnering with our independent agency as you explore second-to-die life insurance options.

We represent a diverse array of insurance companies to uncover the most cost-effective plan that perfectly aligns with your needs.

Survivorship Life Policy

Survivorship Life Insurance Quotes

Survivorship Life PolicyTips for Buying Survivorship Life 

It’s wonderful that you are taking steps to find a suitable policy for your family’s estate planning needs.

We are here to assist you in locating a survivorship life policy that can effectively transfer wealth to your beneficiaries or facilitate in paying estate taxes after both parties pass away.

Easy Qualification Process 

To qualify for coverage, you and your spouse must provide the details of your medical history and undergo a brief medical examination as part of the application process.

Don’t worry! Survivorship life policies have very relaxed underwriting criteria, and most couples qualify for coverage.

This means that couples can qualify for coverage even if one spouse has health issues if the other spouse is in decent health. 

Good news! Since survivorship insurance covers two lives with one policy, it is much cheaper than buying separate permanent policies for both partners.

Buy Guaranteed Protection

When selecting a policy, buying a policy that will last your entire lifetime is imperative.

Remember that survivorship insurance is purchased for the death benefit only, not to build cash value inside the policy.

We recommend survivorship universal life (SUL), which provides contractual guarantees that coverage will continue as long as premiums are paid.

These affordable SUL policies offer lower fees and expenses than traditional whole-life coverage.  

Check out our handy rate chart for estimates of the annual premiums for a million-dollar policy offering lifetime protection.

Ages Premium Benefit

Selecting A Life Insurance Company

It’s important to note that the cost of second-to-die life insurance can differ significantly from one insurance company to another.

Each insurer has its own medical criteria for evaluating applicants, which can impact your premiums.

Our insurers offer affordable rates and have received excellent ratings from trusted sources like the Better Business Bureau, AM Best, and J.D. Power. 

 BBBAM BestJD Power
American GeneralA+A718
John HancockA+A+739
Lincoln FinancialA+A+744
Mass MutualA+A++780
Mutual of OmahaA+A+766
Pacific LifeA+A+N/A
Principal FinancialA+A+774
Protective Life

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